Earn up to $250 for every follower who books from your recommendations.
Pick from a great universe of amazing providers offering free services in exchange for spotlights.
Once you share your experience, you’ll earn for every friend who books with your referral link. Earn up to 10% of each booking, up to $250 “per friend”
(eg: 20 friends = $5,000)
GOATs earn quarterly cash bonuses based on the platform's growth via stock option-like programs.
You reach GOAT status when your invited network is in the top 20% ranking for driving referrals and revenues in your city.
Tarik Sansal | CEO of Romio
Our current economic system is leaving too many of us grinding more for less. That is why we're introducing a more humane, intelligent, and profitable model.
One that actually aligns positive human, economic, and social impact. This is how we redefine Social Capitalism.
Together, let’s make it possible for all to thrive, not just survive.